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December 2023


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The 1-4-7, the 2-5-8 and the 3-6-9 numbers.

The Bible,Numbers 7:12-89 and the Solfege Scale.

Dr Joseph Puleo discovered a pattern of six repeating codes he claimed he had uncovered within the bible. These he believed were encoded,appropriately enough,into
the Book of Numbers, chapter 7,in verses 12 through 83.
When he deciphered these verses reducing the verse numbers to their single digit integers,
the code revealed a series of six electromagnetic sound frequencies
that he believed had correspondence with the six missing tones of the ancient Solfeggio scale.

The six number sequences he had arrived at were as follows:

396, 417, 528, 639,741 and 852.

1. Ut = 396 = 9

2. Re = 417 = 3

3. Mi = 528 = 6

4. Fa = 639 = 9

5. Sol = 741 = 3

6. La = 852 = 6
Looking through this chapter, we first notice that it renders 12 separate lists, each one appearing to be generally similar to the others. Each list begins with “on the first day, on the second day” etc… then provides a list of what had been sacrificed.
By writing down the corresponding verse number each time it says “on the first/second etc day”

Then if we convert each of those verse numbers to single digits.
It renders the following pattern: 396396396 etc
We could go ahead and dismiss this as being coincidence,however he then adds that

if we write down the corresponding verse number every time it says

“And his offering was one silver charger”

and reduce those values to single digits.
This will render the pattern 417417417417 etc
And if we follow the same principle with the next one, “One spoon of ten shekels of gold”
This contributes the pattern 528528528528 etc

This system,Puleo claims will work with every single verse in Numbers 7:12-89

These concealed number sequences Puleo discovered happen to mesh very precisely with the numerics rendered by our device formed by the 24 Fibonacci numbers.

Could it be we are getting a first glimpse of something which might be construed as a possible ‘theory of everything’?

Discovering the identical numeric sequence within the PRIME NUMBERS certainly encouraged us regarding the possibility of this belief.

The prime numbers also just happen to display this same natural three part division.
the indivisible numbers
1, 2, 3
are representative of the primary terms of 3 different numeric sequences:

1  —>  5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 25, 29, 31 … (divisible by 1)
2  —>  4, 8, 10, 14, 16, 20, 22, 26, 28, 32 … (divisible by 2)
3  —>  6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33 … (divisible by 3)
Lets take this further;
Base 9 vortex math analysis of the above sequences;


Note the interweaving pattern of oscillation of the 1-4-7 and the 2-5-8 sequences
whereas the 3-6-9 patterning remains the constant vector.
The numbers in the two columns (1 and 2) added together
renders the following sequence;


(By base 9 reduction)


(This is visibly mirroring a prominent feature incorporated within Raphael’s painting of ‘The School Of Athens’-the border motif on the ceiling arch is 24 fold, echoing our 24 reduced Fibonacci numbers,is divided into two blocks of 12,each is represented by one of 24 ‘greek keys’ (Meandros) following the exact same modelling as the red and black 124875 sequences we have noted in the image above.

A Royal mass of a Secret Lover

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The following ceremony is an example of a Sexual Eucharistic Rite based on classic formulae of Western Hermeticism. It is from Sex Magic, Tantra & Tarot: The Way Of The Secret Lover, (New Falcon Publications, 1996). We have included it in it’s entirety even though it makes references to talismantic images obtained in an earlier ceremony referred to as the Ultimate Divination. Unfamiliarity of the process of the Ultimate Divination should not detract from the basic understanding of the ceremony.

(This operation is also known as The Royal Mass of the Vault. This is used by Most High and Secret Initiates prior to Temple Initiation in the Grade of Adeptus Minor. It is done in private, prior to the Most Sacred Temple Operations. The alchemical process here will be immediately recognized by those students of the Vault of the Adepti.)

Thoth says unto him: “Who is He whose Pylons are of Flame, whose walls of Living Uraei, and the flames of whose House are streams of Water?”

And the Initiate replies: “Osiris!”

And it is immediately proclaimed: “Thy meat shall be of the Infinite, and thy drink from the Infinite. Thou art able to go forth to the sepulchral feast on earth, for thou hast overcome. “


Three days prior to this operation the couple or individual must have performed the Ultimate Divination. No intercourse or sexual play should be engaged in between completing the Ultimate Divination and the Operation of the Secret Lover.

A full day should be set aside for this operation. The Sanctuary of the Royal Gnosis should be prepared the first thing in the Morning. It is advisable to have everything as new and clean as possible prior to performing this ceremony.

A day should be chosen which best represents the qualities and aspirations of the individual or couple. This can be done by simply looking at an ephemeris or by meditation.

For this operation the couple or individual shall have performed the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram and the Middle Pillar in the Sanctuary. Remember do not concern yourselves with the results of this operation. Now is not the time.


I (We) Dedicate this work to my (Our) Secret Lover who is my (Our) Holy Guardian Angel.

The experience of direct divine knowledge and conversation of the Secret Lover can happen at anytime during or after the performance of these operations.

This work may be performed individually or by a couple. We will discuss this most Royal Union as if it were performed by a heterosexual couple. Let this form of discussion give no impression other than the authors are most familiar with this form of operation.

While the direct knowledge and conversation can and will be obtained by a single individual there are very specific advantages which can only be obtained by a couple. The reason for this is Simple. Each partner has a Secret Lover. Thus, the four letters of Tetragrammaton are duly represented; we have the Father, Mother, Son and Daughter. The act of two has created the entire dynamic principle of the universe. Historically this aspect of the operation has been one of the best guarded secrets of the Adepts.


Dearly beloved, (I or We) have come into the sight of Isis and Osiris having duly performed the necessary rituals prior to our mystical union. We have adorned and beautified our presence and this Sanctuary of the Royal Gnosis with incense, light and color. We have removed all dross from our minds and hearts and openly present ourselves, as children of light, to partake of the Eucharist which is a symbol of Divine radiance.

We charge ourselves with the secrets of the heart and sanctify this marriage with the Eucharist of our True Will.

I _________ a child of light take this opportunity to cast aside the garments of darkness and take on the garments of light. 

I _________ a child of light take this opportunity to cast aside the garments of darkness and take on the garments of light.

Both individuals should sign this document which represents their intent and freedom in taking this action. 

Each person should then repeat out loud the following:

In the presence of the Lords of the Universe I affix my signature as a sign that it is my True Will to undertake this most holy operation of the Secret Lover.

The couple should embrace and then give the sign of Shu. 

Both should now say this:

Bless us, 0 Holy Lords, with the holy sacrament of direct and divine knowledge and conversation of our Secret Lover and may we dedicate this work and all that shall come of it to thy Holy Presence.


Now, the male shall be stimulated by the female a minimum of eleven times until his organ becomes his wand of inspiration. The male shall stimulate the female until her veil opens and the lustral waters of heaven pour forth.

When this is accomplished the female shall mount the male (if this be the most comfortable position). The goal of this first meeting is to exchange glances, touch the hearts, and share the first distillate of Holy Eucharist. Thus, this is a brief operation. The male and female shall not attempt to control themselves. They shall simply move as dramatically and dynamically as possible, with each movement, breathing deeply and loudly. With each breath the mind should imagine the power of the Universe entering the anus and exiting through the anus. They should partake in the Eucharist of their creation, then bathe and rest.


An hour should pass between the first operation and the second operation.

The Tarot symbol from the position of Malkuth (obtained in the Ultimate Divination) should be brought into the Sanctuary of the Royal Gnosis.

This image, regardless of its nature, shall be focused upon until the eyes begin to tire. The symbol should then be placed in a secret and dark place. It shall act as a talisman which shall partake in the Holy Eucharist of this operation.

Later when the talisman has been consecrated with the Eucharist of the Royal Love it shall be placed in a darker and deeper place were it shall gestate and transmute for a period of one year, until the anniversary of this divine operation.

The date of this operation shall become as a Holy Day for the operants. Every year this day shall be celebrated as if it were a Birth.

Once the meditation is complete and the Tarot symbol first hidden, the couple shall regain the forces of Love through mutual stimulation. It does not matter how this is accomplished.

When the gates of the veil have been penetrated again by the wand of inspiration and the waters of heaven have lustrated this holy union, let the couple begin deep breathing, imagining that the forces of the Universe are entering the anus and exiting through the genitals.

Now this is very important. It is not simply air which one is imagining, it is the Light of the Stars of Creation itself, which enters the Anus and exits the genitals.

Thus, with each genital stroke the Holy Light of the Universe is entering the bodies and souls of the celebrants and the most profound magical exchange takes place.

This operation must be done very slowly. This is sometimes referred to as slow heat.At least 15 minutes should be spent in this act, so a comfortable position should be chosen.

Now, the couple shall begin to focus on the image of the Tarot symbol. This should be done in the place of Ajna (the third eye). With each breath imagine the light of the Universe entering the enjoined genitals penetrating the image at Ajna, soaking it with divine light. This should be continued for at least 10 minutes.

The couple then should drop all meditations and begin to wildly make love reaching orgasm as quickly as possible. Exhausted and before sleep ensues, the second distillate of the Eucharist should be shared with a drop of it placed upon the Tarot card in operation. The Tarot Card should now be hidden for the second and last time. The couple should then sleep or rest for at least two hours. Small amounts of food and alcohol may now be consumed. These should have been prepared ahead of time and if possible should have been kept in the Sanctuary.


The Tarot symbol found in the place of Tiphareth during the Ultimate Divination shall be brought into the Sanctuary of the Royal Gnosis. It should be wrapped in a White cloth symbolizing the Holiness of the operation. The couple shall meditate upon until their eyes tire.

In this third and final operation the most divine astral nerve centers shall be stimulated. The location of work here is the Anahata (Heart) Chakra, also, known as Tiphareth in the tradition of Western Magic.

Here is the center of Divine Harmony and the Home of the Secret Lover. It can be symbolized by Osiris, Helios, Eros or Mithra and is the goal of all true Magical operations. Its location on the Tree of Life is between Kether and Yesod, thus all psycho-spiritual centers of the Middle Pillar must be stimulated.

The location of Tiphareth is the point of Union were the forces of the microcosm and macrocosm unite. It is symbolized by the Hexagram and by a point in the center of the Hexagram.

Unlike, some magical or mystical operations which take place only in the Imagination, this final operation will take place in the Imagination but also in the body and soul of the aspirant. This union of Imagination and Body is completely in adherence with the goal of all True Western Magical Operations as demonstrated by the most ancient and powerful initiations and alchemies.

The couple should jointly perform the Banishing Rituals of the Pentagram and Hexagram.

The following prayer should be said jointly. As the couple repeats the prayer let them “enflame” themselves with the power of Love.

I am Toom, the Setting Sun, I am the only being in the firmament of Heaven.

I am Ra, the Rising Sun, I have passed from the Gate of Death unto Life.

The Sun’s power beginneth again after he hath set; he riseth again (so doth the justified Spirit of Man.)

I am the Great God begotten of himself; I can never be turned back by the Elementary Powers; I am the Morning, I Know the Gate. (I ever rise again unto existence. I know the pathway through death unto life.)

The Father of the Spirit; the Eternal Soul of the Sun. He hath examined and He hath proved me. He hath found that I fought on Earth the battle of the good Gods, as He, my Father, Lord of the Invisible World ordered me to do.

I know the Great God who existeth in the Invisible. 

I am the Great Phoenix which is in Annu, the former of my Life and my Being am I.

In order to activate the correct image of the entire Tree of Life which includes the pillars of Severity and Mercy symbolized by the Crook and Scourge of Osiris the following should be read a day or two before the operation.

Thus, while you symbolize the Middle Pillar, you have neatly placed in your subconscious the Pillars of Severity and Mercy to be activated when and will they wish in this most Sacred Sanctuary of the Royal Gnosis.


Once the “Soul” has passed through the ordeal (refers to death, judgment, etc.) it is ” … then introduced into the Presence of Osiris by Horus. Osiris sits in his Shrine upon a throne, with the Crook and Scourge, symbols of Mercy and Severity in his hands; behind him are Isis and Nephthys, the Goddesses of Nature and Perfection; and before him are the four Genii of the Dead upon the Lotus Flower, the emblem of the Metempsychosis. Thus the whole of the Symbols upon the pillars represent the advance and purification of the Soul, and its uniting with Osiris the Redeemer; in that Golden Dawn of an Infinite Light wherein the soul is transfigured; knows all and can do all; for it hath become joined unto Eternal Gods.”

The wand of power and the veil (Gate) of the Sanctuary should be brought into operation. It is of the utmost importance that the couple be fortified for this operation as it must exhaust them. They are coupling their will and desire for direct and divine knowledge and communication with the Holy Guardian Angel, “against” the desire of the body to give in—let go—and “die” at its will. Thus, they are creating an intense spiritual heat.

Thus, this act the charging the Eucharist is created by the eternal process of birth, death and resurrection and is fully symbolized and enacted by complete Surrender.

The couple should choose a position which allows the altar (the bed) to support them.

When they have joined they should begin breathing taking first in the Light through the anus and allowing it to flow through and out of the Anahata. This should be done for 10 minutes. Remember with each slow rhythmic breath the wand and the veil should be slowly stimulated by movement.

Next they should allow the Light of the Universe to flow through Sahasrara, the lotus of the thousand petals, the Chakra positioned directly above the head, the home of Amoun and Ptah. The Light should flow out of Anahata, the home of the Secret Lover. This should be done for 10 minutes.

Next, the Light of the Universe should emerge from the genitals, the home of Shu, and flow through Anahata. This should be done for 10 minutes.

Finally, the Light of the Universe should emerge from Anahata and flow through Anahata. This should be done for 10 minutes.

[Note: The invisible Sephirah Daath has been deliberately left out in this operation; those familiar with it and its holy name may use it.]

When this is completed the couple should wildly and passionately make love surrendering themselves to the Ecstasy of the Secret Lover. Upon satisfaction, the third distillate Eucharist should be shared. The couple should be quiet being open to the presence of the All. This moment has been called by the Wise—The Epiphany.

Later, the Tarot symbol from the location of Tiphareth should be adored and anointed with the Elixir. This symbol should be also hidden and left undisturbed for one year.

The Sanctuary of the Royal Gnosis should be closed with the Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.

This is then the act of establishing Direct and Divine Knowledge and Conversation of the Holy Guardian Angel. Practice this ritual as often as necessary to assure that a deep and everlasting contact is made. The Epiphany will lengthen and increase in intensity with practice.

The energies of Love feed the relationship and the Secret Lover will satisfy itself with the joy that it will take in you.

Your Secret Lover will be your Lover and your guide throughout your engagement on this planet, as well as your guide in the afterlife.